This week we welcome Dr. Dawson Church to the podcast. Dawson offers cutting edge science along with proving you can rewire your brain to help with everyday resilience as well as how it can assist with more specific issues such as PTSD, Alzheimer’s, Depression, and much more.
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning science writer with three best-selling books to his credit. The Genie in Your Genes(YourGeniusGene.com) was the first book to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. Mind to Matter, (MindToMatter.com) showed that the brain creates much of what we think of as “objective reality.” Bliss Brain (BlissBrain.com) demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness. He has conducted dozens of clinical trials, and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (NIIH.org) to promote groundbreaking new treatments. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and personal performance through EFT Universe (EFTUniverse.com), one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.